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Title: Al Davis says his goodbyes
: California Journal
Date: May 1990
About this cartoon: Al Davis, slick owner of the Raiders football team, had defied the NFL by moving his team from Oakland to Los Angeles in the 1980s. He decided the attendance and income in L.A. weren't good enough there either, and played city against city trying for a better deal. Oakland opened up the city coffers and made Davis the offer he wanted, and the Raiders finally moved back to Oakland in 1995. A few years later, he would start threatening to move out of Oakland again as he decided the numbers there weren't good enough either..
Noteworthy: The figure representing Oakland (a city listed as about 48% black) was originally drawn as an African-American; the editor requested the change, thinking that too much might be read into the figure's race and distract from the cartoon.
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