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Title: Car tax lifted
Published: Ventura County Star
Date: Dec. 19, 2003
About this cartoon: Governor Schwarzenegger quickly acted on his first campaign promise, to rescind the "tripling of the car tax", which had been actually just a return to the usual car tax before it was trimmed during a time of a California budget surplus. But that car registration money went to fund the cities and counties, which faced a crisis from Schwarzenegger's action. At the last moment, he used emergency exective powers to free up some borrowed money for the cities and counties... and left it to the surprised legislature to come up with the money to replace the newly-borrowed funds.
Noteworthy: The news changed before this could see print. The final panel was originally going to have him saying, "Vell, dat was easy!" and the barbell was left crushing the "cities" and "counties." After Arnold's action rescued the cities and counties, I salvaged the cartoon by updating all the labels in the final panel to reflect the changed situation..
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