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Title: Liberty cries
Published: Marin Independent Journal
Date: Sept. 12, 2001
About this cartoon: Drawn the day of the horrific terrorist attacks on the U.S., including on the World Trade Center where thousands died.
Noteworthy: Dozens of cartoonists around the U.S. and the world did somewhat similar cartoons that day featuring an emotional Statue of Liberty. The reason is that we were all reacting to the same event at the same time, and reached for the basic symbols of America... the Statue of Liberty was used by so many because(a) it is a major symbol of America, (b) it is also a major symbol of New York City, and (c) being in human form, it could act human and convey expression. Also, many cartoonists were under extreme deadlines this day — I had NO official time to work on a cartoon, and drew this in maybe four spurts of ten minutes apiece, and drew the statue strictly from memory— and had to go with the first idea they had.
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